
Why does truth matter?

Why does truth matter?

Why Truth Matters for a Christian: Embracing God's Standard in a World of Uncertainty In a world filled with varying opinions (which are held as though they were absolute truth!), shifting values, and conflicting information, the concept of truth can sometimes feel...

Proofs for the Resurrection

Proofs for the Resurrection

A Guest Post from Tobi England - I'm excited today to introduce a great friend and co-laborer in ministry as my guest blogger. Tobi England was once my student; today he is my friend and peer. He challenges me to think and he is passionate about biblical truth and...

Worldview and Ethics

Worldview and Ethics

Worldview refers to the way in which individuals interpret and understand events, situations, and people. It shapes the lens through which we see the world, influences our thoughts and actions, and ultimately determines the reality that we experience. In this sense,...

Gratitude for an Empty Tomb

Gratitude for an Empty Tomb

Yesterday, churches all over the world assembled to observe one of the most holiest of holidays known to Christendom - Easter Sunday. This Sunday commemorates the morning the tomb was discovered as empty - the morning of the Resurrection. In Paul's first letter to the...

How to Show Jesus is God

From the Bible There are many avenues in which the Scriptures testify to the deity of Christ. In a previous post, I discussed how the very names He is called testifies to this fact. In this post, let's look at His claims. He claims to be Jehovah John 8 One of the...

It’s not about the bunny

It's time for what is commonly referred to as Easter. This season holds one of the most sacred days for all Christendom. In this post, we want to remember the reason for the celebration. I've boiled this down into three choices. My gut instinct tells me my readers...

If there is no resurrection…

Guest Post from Tobi England Except a corn of wheat die... I'm excited today to introduce a great friend and co-laborer in ministry as my guest blogger. Tobi England was once my student; today he is my friend and peer. He challenges me to think and he is passionate...

A Snapshot of Theology in America

A few years ago, LifeWay Research and Ligonier ministries teamed up to test the current trends in American theology. The results were not encouraging. Notice some of the disturbing trends: 60% believe Jesus is fully God and fully man. 63% believe God is perfect and...

The Sufficiency of Scripture

Recently, I had the privilege to preach for a former student, Pastor Chris Casillas, just outside of Denver, CO. He had scheduled a "Scripture Sunday," with the intent of emphasizing some of the characteristics of the Word of God.  Specifically, we dealt with...

Declared Guilty…

I love the book of Romans. For over twenty years I have had the privilege to teach this book at West Coast Baptist College. Over the years, it has become one of my two favorite books (those who have sat in my class room could probably guess my other favorite book!)....

The Identity of Jesus

"Whom do men say that I am?" - Jesus. The picture here was taken at Caesarea Philippi, in the northern regions of Israel. Jesus had traveled to this specific spot with His disciples to ask an important question related to His identity. Located at the southwestern base...

The Trustworthiness of the Scriptures

Inerrancy: The events in the biblical record have been recorded accurately. The integrity of the Bible is supported by both manuscript and archaeological evidence. Biblical orthodoxy affirms that the Scriptures, as they were given, were accurate (inerrant) in its...

A Shovel, Pick, and Inerrancy

In a recent post, The Reliability of our Bible, we discussed the manuscript evidence that demonstrates the reliability of the Bible (specifically the New Testament) we have today. In stating that the text is reliable, we are saying that we can confidently believe that...

The Reliability of our Bible

"The Bible is just a bunch of stories put together by men...It's full of contradictions...You can't trust it at all!" How many Christians have attempted to help someone from the Bible only to be told that the Bible is just the words of men? In our generation...