Christian Life

Why does truth matter?

Why does truth matter?

Why Truth Matters for a Christian: Embracing God's Standard in a World of Uncertainty In a world filled with varying opinions (which are held as though they were absolute truth!), shifting values, and conflicting information, the concept of truth can sometimes feel...

Paul’s Counsel to Ministry Leaders

Paul’s Counsel to Ministry Leaders

In Acts 20, Paul calls the Ephesian elders - the ministry leaders - for a final goodbye. If we were able to look around Miletus that day, we'd see men crying - sobbing uncontrollably. We'd see a group of men gathered around a solitary individual hugging and kissing...

Worldview and Ethics

Worldview and Ethics

Worldview refers to the way in which individuals interpret and understand events, situations, and people. It shapes the lens through which we see the world, influences our thoughts and actions, and ultimately determines the reality that we experience. In this sense,...

Victory – Hope for Struggling Overcomers

Victory – Hope for Struggling Overcomers

NOW AVAILABLE! Earlier this year, I released the rough draft for a writing project I was working on. Over a period of about two months, 500 words on average per post, you were able to read Victory: Hope for Struggling Overcomers. In a nutshell, here's the summary:...

Logos: Personal Implications from John 1

Logos: Personal Implications from John 1

John's gospel is the classic example of profundity wrapped in simplicity. In his opening chapter, John takes us all the way back to eternity past (In the beginning was the Word...), brings us to his present day (Behold, the Lamb of God...), and takes us to the future...

Creating Memories

Creating Memories

Trip down Memory Lane Og Mandino is credited with saying, "The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories." As a Christian parent, I believe the greatest legacy is introducing them to a vibrant walk with Christ. But, I understand the sentiment that...

Life in the Slow Lane

Life in the Slow Lane

Life in the country... Most people reading this know me to one degree or another. If that's true, you can attest to the fact I typically don't sit still very well! For the last 26 years, I've lived "life in the fast lane." I enjoyed serving in a larger church, helping...

Psalm 95 and the Worship of God’s People

Today, I've been spending some time in the Psalms, specifically Psalm 95. It's a relatively short psalm with only 11 verses. In the Latin traditions, it's often called the Venite, a word meaning "Come," and used twice in the psalm as a call to worship. Psalm 95 forms...

And Justice for all?

And Justice for all?

Today, we celebrate Independence Day here in the States. The Red, White, and Blue waves over many households. Fireworks explode around us. For a moment, perhaps, we act as "one nation" and forget all that divides us. We can enjoy time with family and we have...

Building Healthy Relationships

Building Healthy Relationships

If we're not careful, life can get so busy that we don't take the time to actually enjoy healthy, Christ-honoring relationships. We can become miniature "Marthas," being too busy with serving that we miss the joys that come from true fellowship with others. Currently,...

Practical [Christian] Atheists

Practical [Christian] Atheists

The term atheist has been used rather diversely throughout church history. In the Roman Empire, the Romans actually accused the Christians of atheism! Their reasoning was simple: Christians didn't believe in all of the other gods. Another group claims the title today,...

The Old Man: Dead or Dormant

The Old Man: Dead or Dormant

Epaphras, the faithful servant of God in Colossae, senses that he needs some help with the problems that he is facing in his church. Two thousand years later, pastors haven't lost that overwhelming sensation. Today, we deal with Critical Race Theory, Gender issues,...

The Importance of Fatherhood

The Importance of Fatherhood

I’m not sure when the concept of having a day to honor fathers originated. However, we do know that we have a biblical concept to honor both our fathers and mothers – and that command includes more than one day a year. Further, the Bible speaks much about our...

Famous Last Words

Famous Last Words

Throughout history, we find the famous last words of mortal men. Voltaire, when asked by a priest to renounce Satan, said, "Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making new enemies..." Julian, the Apostate, when contemplating his failure at reversing Christianity...

Lessons from Paul’s References to Athletics

Lessons from Paul’s References to Athletics

The athletic metaphor seems to transcend time and culture. Some 3000 years before Christ, we see the Egyptians involved in sports for the purpose of training for war, strengthening their bodies, and pure recreation. Today, we hear catch-phrases that are rooted within...

Game-Plan for Winning

Game-Plan for Winning

The median salary for an NBA coach today is about $3.5 million. NFL coaches make an average of $8.5M. That's an insane amount of money. Regardless of the sport, or the personality, these coaches all have one thing in common - the desire to win it all. In full...

Milestone: Ministry Transitions

Part of a great team of co-laborers at West Coast Baptist College Jen and I have had the distinct privilege of serving at West Coast Baptist College and Lancaster Baptist Church for twenty-six years. Sometimes, we have to check our math to see if that's really...

Shattered Dreams not the End of the Story

The story of Joseph from the book of Genesis has always gripped me. I've wondered as an older brother, how do I compare! I've tried to grasp the depth of hatred it would take for one sibling to sell another one, create a false narrative to explain his disappearance,...

Remember, lest we forget

Remember, lest we forget

Today, our country has set aside some time we call "Memorial Day." The day was originally called "Decoration Day," a time to decorate the tombstones of fallen soldiers. Becoming a federal holiday in 1971, America chose to remember the sacrifices of those who had...

Family Milestone: Another Graduation!

Family Milestone: Another Graduation!

Jodi Beth Lester, High School Graduate For those who know our family, we were blessed with five wonderful daughters. Every Christian parent shares the goal of hearing that their children "walk in truth." The Lester family is no different in that respect. Today, Jodi,...

Preparing for the Summer

Preparing for the Summer

Summer is Nigh! Life is filled with moments - seasons - of transitions. As the school year begins to wind down, it's time to prepare for the next season, Summer. Transitions are tricky moments - opportunities for great times; obstacles for potential growth. How we...

Understanding Satan’s Strategy

Understanding Satan’s Strategy

In Genesis 3.1-8, we find the account of the temptation and fall of mankind in Eden. Here's the biblical narrative: Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not...

Interpreting Parables

Interpreting Parables

The parables in the Bible have been both the source of great encouragement and instruction as well as prime examples of improper hermeneutics. As a Bible college student decades ago, I remember hearing, "Never build your major doctrines from parables," - but I confess...

Follow the Verbs: A Hermeneutical Tip

Follow the Verbs: A Hermeneutical Tip

If you've been out of school for any length of time, perhaps the mere mention of the word verb conjures up bad memories from an English class. Take hope - today's post doesn't require a re-immersion into high school grammar classes! Verbs are the action words of our...

Applying Biblical Principles Cross-Culturally

Applying Biblical Principles Cross-Culturally

Let me describe a situation for you to consider. A person moves to a seaside village in America during the Fall season. This person doesn't understand the language or the culture yet - they just want a better opportunity for their children. As they look outside the...