Declared Guilty…

I love the book of Romans. For over twenty years I have had the privilege to teach this book at West Coast Baptist College. Over the years, it has become one of my two favorite books (those who have sat in my class room could probably guess my other favorite book!)....

Raising Children with Nurture and Admonition

Raising daughters to love Jesus in a society that is so secular presents unique challenges. We are blessed to have five daughters who, though not perfect, have a heart for God. We really enjoy spending time together and we have made a lot of fun memories through the...

Connected to His Body

Do you remember the “Mr. Potato Head” from your childhood days? What you thought was simple fun is actually a great illustration of Paul’s teaching concerning the church. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul mentions that we are all members of one body. Mr....

The Identity of Jesus

“Whom do men say that I am?” – Jesus. The picture here was taken at Caesarea Philippi, in the northern regions of Israel. Jesus had traveled to this specific spot with His disciples to ask an important question related to His identity. Located at the...

Marking the Milestones

Living in Southern California, sometimes it is life in the fast lane. We can move from event to event, and at times be guilty of not enjoying the moment, the victory, or the blessing. The Lester Family hit a new milestone on May 26, 2017! Our oldest daughter (we have...