Connected to His Body

Do you remember the “Mr. Potato Head” from your childhood days? What you thought was simple fun is actually a great illustration of Paul’s teaching concerning the church. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul mentions that we are all members of one body. Mr. Potato Head is a perfect specimen of this truth! This toy has multiple parts (members), but only one body.

Contrary to Disney’s version of truth, when the parts are separated from the body, they are useless. It is only as they are connected to the body that they find a sense of purpose, working together with the other parts of the body. Isn’t this an ideal description of the local church?

There is one body – we are all members of it. When we attempt to become “Lone Rangers” and ignore “body life” – we find that our purpose is not fulfilled. While American Christianity likes to emphasize the rugged individual with the John Wayne swagger (OK, I maybe dating myself there!), biblical Christianity emphasized community and body life.

So, the next time you (or your child / grandchild) picks up a Mr. (or Mrs.) Potato Head, meditate upon the truth that we are many members, but finding our purpose and fulfillment in one Body.

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