Life in the Slow Lane

Life in the Slow Lane

Life in the country… Most people reading this know me to one degree or another. If that’s true, you can attest to the fact I typically don’t sit still very well! For the last 26 years, I’ve lived “life in the fast lane.” I enjoyed...

Psalm 95 and the Worship of God’s People

Today, I’ve been spending some time in the Psalms, specifically Psalm 95. It’s a relatively short psalm with only 11 verses. In the Latin traditions, it’s often called the Venite, a word meaning “Come,” and used twice in the psalm as a...
And Justice for all?

And Justice for all?

Today, we celebrate Independence Day here in the States. The Red, White, and Blue waves over many households. Fireworks explode around us. For a moment, perhaps, we act as “one nation” and forget all that divides us. We can enjoy time with family and we...
Building Healthy Relationships

Building Healthy Relationships

If we’re not careful, life can get so busy that we don’t take the time to actually enjoy healthy, Christ-honoring relationships. We can become miniature “Marthas,” being too busy with serving that we miss the joys that come from true fellowship...
Practical [Christian] Atheists

Practical [Christian] Atheists

The term atheist has been used rather diversely throughout church history. In the Roman Empire, the Romans actually accused the Christians of atheism! Their reasoning was simple: Christians didn’t believe in all of the other gods. Another group claims the title...