A Good Soldier

Paul often used every day occurrences to teach spiritual truth. In writing to the church at Ephesus, he reminded them of the importance of having on their armor. To the pastor at Ephesus (Timothy), he reminded him to “endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus...

Christian Education – an investment…

Most of us have heard the phrase, “Christian education doesn’t cost; it pays!” This is not entirely true…there is a cost. Yet, the statement is true in the sense that Christian education pays…it’s worth it – it is an...

A Snapshot of Theology in America

A few years ago, LifeWay Research and Ligonier ministries teamed up to test the current trends in American theology. The results were not encouraging. Notice some of the disturbing trends: 60% believe Jesus is fully God and fully man. 63% believe God is perfect and...

The Sufficiency of Scripture

Recently, I had the privilege to preach for a former student, Pastor Chris Casillas, just outside of Denver, CO. He had scheduled a “Scripture Sunday,” with the intent of emphasizing some of the characteristics of the Word of God.  Specifically, we dealt...

Liberty and Justice for all…

Yesterday, we celebrated Independence Day. The Red, White, and Blue waved over many households. Fireworks exploded around us. We enjoyed time with family and we had an opportunity to be grateful for God’s providence in establishing this great land of America....