Celebrating Godly Mothers

Celebrating Godly Mothers

We live in a day where motherhood is not always celebrated. When the institution of marriage is not considered sacred, then the privilege and responsibility of raising children is often not fully understood. It’s not uncommon in society today to read of people...
The Privilege of Prayer

The Privilege of Prayer

Today, our nation has set aside a time that we call the “National Day of Prayer.” Created in 1952 by a joint resolution of Congress and signed by President Truman, the purpose is to invite people to pray for our nation. This calling the citizenship to...
Laborers Needed

Laborers Needed

Tonight, West Coast Baptist College will send its 26th graduating class into the harvest fields. I have been privileged to watch each group head out into the spiritual workforce. That first class only had three graduates: one is in heaven, one is a pastor, and one is...
When Godly People Disagree

When Godly People Disagree

Growing up in the Baptist tradition, I’ve heard my fair share of references to the Prince of Preachers, Charles Spurgeon. I’ve had the privilege to visit the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London and try to take in the impact this church was making 150 years...