The Philadelphian Promise

The Philadelphian Promise

A Promise to Overcomers Do you remember reading about the unstable foundation for this city due to the quakes in this region? In contrast to the city, these believers would be stable, unable to be moved, fixed in place – this is the picture painted by the phrase “a...
The Philadelphian Promise

Philadelphia Unpacked

Christ’s message to this church is rich in doctrine, hope, and promise. Today, let’s unpack a little of what we find in Revelation 3. Philadelphia does not receive a rebuke, condemnation of an exhortation to repentance. Instead, this church receives the...
The Philadelphian Promise

Philadelphia: Stable in unstable times

Unstable, shaky, uncertain… Ever had a time where these feelings were expressed? Have you ever had a moment when you just felt unstable on your feet, or like you were just about ready to pass out? Maybe it was as a kid and an uncle decided to spin you around and...
The Promise to Sardis

The Promise to Sardis

A Three-Fold Promise In Revelation 3.5, a three-fold promise is pronounced to the believers in Sardis. First, they will receive white garments that are not spotted or soiled. We have this thought embedded into our culture already as a bride walks down the wedding...
Sardis: The same message for a different time

Sardis: The same message for a different time

Unpacking the Message Sardis: an ancient church that we remember as “dead.” Rare is the occasion today where a church planter names his church Sardis Baptist Church. This church has lived in infamy as the church that was dead, but didn’t realize it....