In a day of hyped individualism, I’m reminded of the great privilege of serving on a team. We’ve heard the acrostic, “Together, Everyone Achieves More,” and there’s relevancy there. The picture above demonstrates an historic moment at Iwo Jima – a demonstration of working together as a team.
I’m reminded of my days in high school. I loved basketball. In the late 80s, there were some heated rivalries to enjoy. Of course, I believed I could duplicate whatever I observed. My senior year, I was set on being “a star” – probably averaging 25 points per game.
I didn’t score 10 points the entire season! I rode the proverbial pine, cheering for my classmates from the bench. Yet, even though my play time was limited, I always felt “part of the team.”
As believers, we have the wonderful opportunity to be on God’s team. As I consider the fact that I’m not the center star, I’m still blessed just to be on His team. Even though it’s really Him working through me – I’m never made to feel like I don’t belong. It’s a great team to be a part of.
Yet, I want to be the best “team mate” possible. With that in mind, I offer four ingredients worthy of our consideration as part of God’s team.
As God’s redeemed, we have much for which to be thankful. Our eternal destinies were redirected. If that’s all He ever did for us – that’s enough. Yet, He’s done so much more.
Did you know you do not have to wait until Thanksgiving to be thankful!?! Take a moment and express your gratitude.
As a bench-rider, I could either zone out or be the biggest fan. I chose to root, root, root for the home team (and the visiting team when we were on the road). I wanted to encourage.
There have been many people who have encouraged me in my walk with the Lord. I’m thankful for all of them – many who have already passed into God’s presence. It doesn’t take much more effort to be nice – Go encourage someone today.
On God’s team, He desires some authentic members who understand integrity. In a world that has lost its moral compass, an authentic member of God’s team can still make a difference.
The person we are “on stage” needs to be the same person “off stage” as well. There’s already too many hypocrites. Let’s strive to be authentic.
Those on God’s team must remember that Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve others. This takes humility – a trait that we are not naturally disposed to.
If you need a visual of what a servant’s attitude looks like, imagine the stereotypical attendants at McDonald’s and Chick-fil-a. Or, imagine the stereotypical workers at Six Flags and Disneyland. There are exceptions to the rule, but in each couplet, one is known for its emphasis on customer service.
There you have it! Nothing fancy. Just four ingredients to be sure we don’t lose focus over. Remain Thankful, Encouraging, Authentic, and Ministering. If we can do that, we are developing into some better “players” on the winning team!