New Territory!

Megan and Matthew

A New Stage of Life

For those who have known us for a long time, you may remember Jen and I without any children. Some of the early generation of graduates from West Coast Baptist College will remember when our first of five daughters was born.

Daddy’s Girls

As parents of five girls, my wife has done a great job of helping our daughters be “Daddy’s girl.”

Megan is no longer “daddy’s little girl!” We have entered a new stage of life. This past weekend, Matthew Dumpert, from Murfreesboro, TN, proposed to our daughter, Megan.

Her mother and I were watching from a distance as we watched our future son-in-law go down on one knee, pull out the ring he had been carrying around that day, and ask Megan to be his wife.

Off to North Carolina

Matthew graduates from WCBC in just about a week. He has accepted a position at a church in Durham, NC. Megan has one year left. Next summer they will marry and begin a life of serving Christ together.

For those who have prayed for our family over the years – thank you just doesn’t quite seem like enough. We are grateful for God’s blessing and excited to enter new territory.

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