Graduation season is upon us. On Wednesday, May 8, the 24th graduating class crossed the platform at West Coast Baptist College. My wife and I have had the privilege to be there for each of those graduations.
After all the celebration ends, I’m usually left mentally and emotionally exhausted. Yet, as I think about another graduating class – one powerful word comes to mind: hope.
Hope for Revival
Listening to the young men from this class preach biblical truth with passion, my soul has hope for revival. I know individually we can have revival as we come clean before God…but perhaps another Great Awakening could happen in my life time.
In America’s young history, God has started great movements through college-aged young people. As I look at this year’s class, I have hope He can do it again.
Hope for Purity
This group of seniors have a sincere desire for godliness – not simply being good. They are pursuing holiness – and not just happiness. They are following God’s will – and not wealth.
In watching their lives, I have great hope and confidence that this new group of laborers want God’s anointing, His power on their lives. And they understand that this requires a clean vessel.
Hope for the Future
The men and women who have joined the ranks in Christian ministry today understand the importance of doctrine, the responsibility of evangelism, the primacy of preaching, and the place of the local church.
Today, as I start my 25th year in ministry, a host of people start their first. My race will probably finish before most of theirs from a human perspective. Yet, I have hope that those who are running behind me will finish their race well.
Twenty-five years ago, West Coast Baptist College began to train laborers for God’s harvest. After another class has finished, I’m more hopeful than ever that these laborers will change their world with the power of the Gospel.