In the epistle of James, the half-brother of Jesus shares a painful reminder – life is short. Intellectually, we all know this already when we compare “life” to eternity…obviously, it’s short. Yet, James isn’t comparing today with eternity. Rather, he is reminding us that we are not promised tomorrow – only today.
Death reminds us all of the brevity of life. Yesterday, our family said goodbye to my mom’s sister, Debbie (New) Hunter. She had been battling cancer for the last couple of years. After 39 years of marriage, raising four sons, and faithfully serving the Lord, she finished her race. Why her race is over now will remain a mystery to me.
My Aunt Debbie was a not a pastor’s wife. She was not in full-time ministry. Yet, she was a godly woman who left her impact on those who knew her. When my grandmother passed away a few years ago, it was Debbie who said, “I can pick up the praying mantle that she leaves behind.” Reading her Facebook page, you find a woman battling cancer who was full of gratitude. She had learned to live “just for today, Lord – thank you for today.” She will be missed – but her life leaves a legacy for us all to consider:
- Life is short – we must steward it well
- Live faithfully – people will notice
- Labor for the Lord – you will leave a legacy on those who follow behind you
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints